?> QuantXpress – Deliver high performance automated trading and connectivity solutions

News Data Event

News is information, often from outside the actual markets, providing background and insight into individual securities and the broader economy. News information is either presented in text, elementized or machine readable form or offered by news provider like Dow Jones, Thomson Reuters etc. BlitzTrader provides a framework to parse, normalize and disseminate the news information to your strategy. Receive a real-time News Data event as a callback of subscribed news provider name
string errorString = string.Empty;

if (SubscribeNewsDataUpdate ("DOWJONES", out errorString))
    // DowJones news provider subscription is successful
string errorString = string.Empty;
protected override void OnNewsDataEvent(NewsDataEventArgs eventArgs)
    if (eventArgs.IsMachineReadableNews)
        string newsID = eventArgs.ID;
        double actualValue = eventArgs.ActualValue;
        double forecastValueValue = eventArgs.ForecastValue;